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Team statistics: Red Zone Mafia | Spring 2022

  Total Home Away
Matches total: 10 2 8
Matches played: 9 1 8
Won: 6 1 5
Draw: 0 0 0
Lost: 3 0 3
Highest win: 34-14
Red Zone Mafia
Passing While Intoxicated
Red Zone Mafia
Highest loss: ---- 19-6
Red Zone Mafia
Total goals (for and against): 480 48 432
Total goals per match: 53.33 48 54
Goals for 283 34 249
Goals for per match: 31.44 34 31.13
Goals against 197 14 183
Goals against per match: 21.89 14 22.88
No goals against 0 0 0
Goals per matchday

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