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Week One



  1. Straw Hats leader Mike Ferguson caught an incredible touchdown, unfortunately he sustained an injury later in the game.
  2. Girls Rule the World!! Magen Campbell and Jessie Kieta play defense in the Powerpuff Girls double header, each grab an interception, swat balls away from male and female receivers, which help to seal the games against Come From Behind and Spinelli’s Plumbing. 
  3. Sticky Laces QB, Kyle Messina leads the  S’laces to two wins in D6! His cool demeanor kept the laces ahead of both Dogg Pound and Balls Deep. We smell a championship coming. 
  4. Kyle Connif Shakes hangover, settles in to deliver sparkling passes to the Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup and the crew, as Powerpuff girls sweep double header.  
  5. Derek Pew arrives in a suit, forced to throw short passes due to the constricting, Armani sleeves. Leads Vaspian to a Win. Distributes business cards that say “Come to Derek Pew for all your real estate needs.” After the game to all fans. 
  6. Frodo Swaggins girls led a come from behind victory against Can’t Touch This. Tori Leighbody pukes, rallies, and sprints; while Katie “Kilimanjaro” Swanson scores toe-tapping, deep ball touchdown as the crowd erupts.
  7. The Malones show up and rout D2 incumbent Scared Hitless, Race Colon immediately exclaims D2 is too easy, and wants to take on D1.
  8. Veteran-laden Buffalo Vice starts the Fall Season strong, as shifty ankle-breaker Caitlyn Mason leaves Bullet Club defenders in the dust for multiple touchdowns. 
  9. Multiple teams started the season with friendly bucket bets before games. Let’s keep this tradition going!
  10.  Sausage McMuffins receiver had a brilliant touchdown catch. On a deep ball, the ball was ripped out, spun in the air, and the receiver still came up with possession for a touchdown. 



  1. Jeremy Burr missing from the fields, sulking his wounds from the Spring Playoff Loss. Rumors state he spent the offseason trying to join any team that won a championship. 
  2. Bobby McConnell gets picked off three times against Wet Bandits. Chris Nelson makes two acrobatic picks and Sean Weisenhal snags the ED ball out of the air with one hand. 
  3. Reminder that there are no same day subs! You can’t steal a player from another team who happens to be hanging out on the sidelines. Teams are given 15 spots for rosters, and final rosters aren’t due for a few weeks. Fill up your roster, make sure you have enough players! 
  4. Passing While Intoxicated and Cobblestone  both showed up short-handed this week giving their opponents easy wins for the first week. 
  5. Mike Thomas misses out on rounds of shots to celebrate his own birthday.
  6. TSL can’t break the Week One fight streak… fights ensue in multiple games.
  7. Ref Treatment- Touching a ref is a guaranteed way to get yourself thrown out of a game and suspended. Don’t do it. Also make sure BEFORE THE GAME, you have 30 dollars available in cash for refs. Refs are not required to accept your Venmo, be prepared to pay cash. 
  8. Jabronies star Eric Klecker drops deep balls in his double header. Joe Miano looks perplexed and asks “You know you have to catch the ball with your hands right?”
  9. Topper is plagued with yet another shoulder injury, sentenced to the sidelines while his team struggles slinging the rock. Via interview, Topper said “I won’t even risk playing defense unless it's to shut down the Recckio Twerp.” 
  10. Blase learns that he must tag a Quarterback three times in order to get one the credit for a sack.

Points of Emphasis


While we like to bring recaps and fun to the league for everybody’s viewing pleasure, it feels like the Godfather and Jeff Krol are tasked with driving some key points home seemingly every week, so we feel like we need to chime in:


  1. You still have time to add to your roster (within reason, and not to stack your roster after registering in a certain division). We say this because we have already had to deal with forfeits, and rag tag squads. Forfeits are no fun for everybody, particularly for the team that does show up ready to play, and for the players on the forfeiting team that came ready. If you are concerned with fielding a roster, hit the sub list. There are ALWAYS players willing to chip in to help out, and it is better to request and end up not needing, rather than ending up with a not fun time for all involved. If you have concerns about not having enough players, ask around to add on to your current roster, or become familiar with the sub list!
  2. We hit this point in the blunders already, and Jeff Krol and the GodFather relentlessly make this point, but it bears repeating: BE NICE TO THE REFS! Just about every single ref does not mind some griping and complaining; that just comes with the territory. We all do it, we all get frustrated, and that is okay. However, know there is a line not to cross, say your piece, and move on. If you want the ref to look for something, talk to them. If you have any issues with how officiating is going, come to Garrett, Jeff, or any other person you think can help, and discuss your concerns. Yes, the refs are being paid, so we want games to be called as best as possible, and for refs to pay attention to the game, but that does not entitle beratement. I think most are good about it, but it bears repeating. 
  3. I think we all have seen some injuries come from some games throughout the last few years, and obviously we know that is a risk of playing. With that said, while competing and winning is important, we all have to go back to work on Mondays, and the goal is to compete, but be safe as well. Be mindful while out there of your surroundings, and try to avoid plays that can lead to injury. Winning is fun and important, but safety is more important. Maybe it leads to giving up a catch, or a score, but avoiding collisions is far more important!


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