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Week 1 Review

Category: The Sentinel
Created: Wednesday, 24 August 2022 12:59
Published: Wednesday, 24 August 2022 12:59
Hits: 1809


Ladies and gentlemen of the TSL universe. Welcome back to the teams that have played in past sessions and a great big welcome to the newcomers; you will soon realize that this is the best social co-Ed football team in WNY. Although it has not been so long since most of you played as it was a short turnaround of about 7 weeks, for me it has been quite a bit longer as I took some time off the past year while focusing on other endeavors. Too elaborate to discuss. I am glad to be back writing and am even more excited to review new teams, old teams and interesting game day activity that may take place at the Rose Garden on each and every Saturday of this session. For those of you who are new to the league this article will be an opportunity to read about the fun things, spectacular plays, above and below average players of the week. I can’t do this alone and I need intel. 

So, people, everyone but Joey Batts and Sean Weisensal, please email the godfather  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with info about your team and your players you want me to share with the TSL universe. Exciting things are happening this fall and they need to be discussed! One of those things is that for the first time in the history of the league breakfast club is happening in the fall. New and familiar faces have taken to the fields to play for the title of best and most fun team out there. Other exciting happenings is the divisions finally look a little more even, having moved up more teams toD1 to take on and win against Eyes Downtown. Let’s get started Shall we…


Perhaps the biggest story of the week was each division looked a little light on players. Looks like many were not prepared for the season to start having real life take priority over spending the day with friends, enemies, and frenemies at the fields. Most notable-Topper was nowhere to be found, taking a Saturday off letting the league be run by the duo of JK’s- Joe K. and Jeff Krol. But they can’t do it all alone, so its also important to mention some others who make the league run week to week: Travis and Garrett, thank you for all you do! And thank you to everyone else I failed to mention. Your dedication and commitment to the greatest league in WNY doesn’t go unnoticed.


Division 1: 


Grey Hair vs. Legends, 16-44. Legends have talent but they also have players who need to tone it down. This is touch football and while we all may get heated from time to time you don’t need to have such a poor attitude on the field. Stop yelling at the refs and just play football. Everyone is going to miss a call or two but when you win a game by 28 points why get an unsportsmanlike penalty. Unnecessary. 


Grey Hair vs. Scared hitless, 34-24. Always a fun game to watch as these two teams started out as HK whatever together. GH ended up winning by using strategy putting George Lombardo at rush for Dylan Day to try and throw around. Which helped long time player of grey hair John Von get 3 interceptions to seal the victory. Amber Hay also came ready to play making spectacular catches in both games showing off her speed and skill


Division 2:


Frodo vs. Replacements, 65-18. Not much to say here, when Sean Weisensal has 4 interceptions it’s hard for any team to beat; specially a newer team still trying to figure things out. 


Dilfs vs. Replacements, 53-14. Replacements welcome to D2. Katie Keller, no surprise to anyone made great catches to help them win and had a notable interception. Replacements- Rough day for you but good news is there are plenty of weeks to figure it out.


Division 3:


Practice Squad vs. Mountain Dew me, 28-18. PS good job getting your first win in D3.


Bullet Club Vs. Cant touch this 42-35. Maybe one of the biggest stories of the day- Bullet club wins their first game in two years. They have a mix of new and familiar faces on the squad John Langley played QB and hit his targets well. Anthony Deaks was consistent and made some great catches and Jess McAndrews, Hello! I see you making some one-handed catches on the sideline. 


Bullet Club vs. Get Schwifty later in the day and wins that one too, 21-30. Hot start to the season, let’s hope it continues.


Get Schwifty also played and lost twice, playing Scott Seniors Starting, 14-40. Where was Senior though? He was missing but the Keller Clan pulled it together and played well even without him. Damian Keller, played really well and is starting to learn the game better with each game. One to watch out for, no surprise though having the Keller’s blood


Division 4:


Puckett vs. Stunts, 44-51. Puckett played well; stunts played better. Stunts added some new talent this year and these ladies are showing off in week one. Is this the session they will finally win the Division and be forced to move up?? 


Cobblestone Vs. Puckett, 40-50. Darryl and company played shorthanded almost the entire game and still only lost by 10. Excited to watch both teams next week to see if Puckett stays consistent with losing and Cobblestone gains momentum when they have their whole squad.


Division 5:


Woodpeckers vs. TMA, 6-45. Woodpeckers had a skeleton crew and couldn’t find a rhythm they even brought in a secret weapon to try to gain momentum, but not even James Hearn, in his cargo shorts and sneakers could help the team win. Meanwhile on the other side Val Testa played phenomenal for her team making catches and coming up big on defense rushing for her squad. 


Passing while intoxicated vs. Today’s Feast, 16-26. Most exciting thing to happen during this game was the ref making a questionable call that was argued by TF for way too long. Did the guy really step out of bounds? Didn’t matter they ended up winning the game regardless. PWI lives up to their name, the QB was hammered during both games played and could hardly stand. Was complaining he couldn’t see straight…. Someone needs to tell him that’s a side effect of drinking and he should probably take it easy during week 2 or his team may find a new less drunk guy to play.


Lets Get Reccked vs. Come from Behind, 24-38. Good debut for Lets get Reccked as they have new talent on the team in Saxon Weil. First game in the TSL ever and was making plays on both sides of the ball, Welcome Saxon! 


Division 6:


Punt cakes vs. Not so Sticky, 39-40. Close game, PC scores with a girl with minutes left, the one thing NSS couldn’t let happen. PC went for 2 for the win, ball was caught but short of the goal line, so NSS wins. Rags Qbed a smart game to keep them in it while Mike Thomas had some great catches. Jeff Krol and Colorado Mike were strong on D to help them pull out the win.  First good showing for PC that seem as though they are new to the game. We will see what happens later in the season once they get a couple games under their belt. This game happens again it may be a different story. 


Final thoughts:


Football is officially back! Week one is a wrap and B’s Brother is back. Make sure if you are new to the league, you go and say hi!! With the B theme the bees were terrible at the bar this week, so terrible some people ended up inside. If you are allergic or just dislike bees, please be careful around the bar. Thank you to everyone who comes out and plays every week and thank you for the readers and contributors to the articles. It makes my life so much easier if I have things to type directly from the source. Send in your comments!!!!


Happy to see everyone who made it the fields this week, looking forward to seeing more people next week.


As always, thank you and I’ll be watching… 

The Final Wrap Up for Fall 2021

Category: The Sentinel
Created: Tuesday, 02 November 2021 15:49
Published: Tuesday, 02 November 2021 15:49
Written by Patrick McGovern
Hits: 4536


That’s a wrap ladies and gentlemen. The Fall 2021 season has come to an end, leaving new champions in our midst. Overall, Saturday was an amazing day of football that had no shortage of talent on display. The weather held out as best as we could have hoped for given the forecast and rain during the week. Sure, some of the fields were sloppy so I’m certain there’s a good handful of you blaming your losses on that but winners win. Let’s talk about the Semis and Finals!


The semis for D1 were kind of anticlimactic. Sticky Bandits got off to a slow start, failing to find not only the end zone but midfield, on their first 2 possessions. Public Enemy was on full throttle from the start and got up to an early 2 score lead. Sticky Nation was not able to battle back. Brian Stevens was relatively quiet this session but he came up big for his team in the semis. Unfortunately, they had already dug themselves into too deep a hole to come back from.  Pete Nguyen played an all-around incredible game and really brought PE back to their glory as a virtually unbeatable powerhouse.

Tight Ends in Motion versus Eyes Downtown was a little more competitive. Bobby McConnell struggled early finding his receivers. TE got a lead but ED was able to battle back to get within a score at the half. Back to back picks to start the second half pushed ED right back down though. Emily Curry came away with one of the picks off a deflection from one of the ED females. As everyone besides McConnell saw, Eric Delecki was wide open deep. TE capitalized with a gender TD. ED tried going deep on the next drive but Nick Wendt made a phenomenal catch and TE finished it off with another gender TD.

They went on to face Public Enemy in the finals. TE struggled early this time, getting into several 4-2 situations and not using their females effectively. PE got out to an early 20 point lead which TE was able to battle back from. They brought it within 9 points with the ball on the 2 yard line in the final minutes. On 6th down, TE needed a gender TD so Emily Curry threw to a wide open Bro Kleckler…who dropped it. Chris Cole’s swan song was complete and he can ride off into the sunset a champion.


A&A versus XTC was a back-and-forth battle, of which there were many. XTC seemed to have the poise going into and to start this game. A&A repeatedly got into 4-2 situations and needed to bring in a 3rd girl to get the extra downs. Matty Ice couldn’t scramble like he likes to and it took them some time to switch to the short game schema. XTC had some kinks to iron out of their own. Brandt Dubey threw 2 picks that could have been more if the defense held onto the ball. A&A was down but a big Hail Mary catch by Jay Jasker gave them some much needed momentum going into half time. XTC was missing both Kelly Sabo and Kelly Mazur. They had a respectable sub in Emily Schilling but she took some time to adjust to Dubey’s throwing velocity. Katie Keller was quiet in that she was hardly utilized, maybe not your best game plan.

TopShot and Scared Hitless was a down to the wire finish in the semis. Both teams played well on both sides of the ball and both teams made their share of mistakes. I saw a couple open receivers that were looked over for TopShot. Scared Hitless had some uncharacteristic drops. What everyone should take away though was that this game easily could have gone either way. SH was up 1 after Adrian Cannon scored for TS. TS decided to be men (and women) and go for the win. Commendable. Everyone flowed to the right with Cannon running the back line. Jackee Thompson went left. Wide open. Dylan Jaloza kept his eyes facing right though and didn’t see Thompson. He fired it in to Cannon who made the catch but was ruled out of bounds and SH advanced.

They met A&A in the finals. These teams are fairly matched on paper. They both have speed and height with SH having the edge in the former and A&A taking the cake for the latter. Both teams bring solid females that could easily take over any game. A&A had a big defensive start to open the game then both teams alternated scoring drives. The first half ended with SH up by 1. Matty Ice tried to throw another Hail Mary but fell short. A&A began starting drives with 3 females in the game. SH started arguing with the refs and the game got away from them from there. To be honest, I didn’t see the play they were arguing about so I can’t comment on that. A&A started to run away with it late in the second half and SH couldn’t regroup quick enough to come back. I’m pretty sure I heard Matty Ice announce his retirement as well after the game but I can’t be sure.


Grey Hair Don’t Care took on 4th and Dong in another back-and-forth battle early. By the half, it was a 9 point game. Nicole Keller had some great sideline catches to move her team down the field. Austin Weber put on an MVP performance, making what seemed like at least 1-2 catches per drive. 4&D missed the tall guy they usually have going up to get everything. The females of GHDC played outstandingly. Molly Santo was a great addition and had her fair share of catches. With 6 minutes left, 4&D had a shot to catch up but Scott Drosendal tossed up a back-foot throw that was picked off by Jon Von and that sealed the deal.

The Angels took on Frodo Swaggins in a somewhat anticlimactic semifinal. The Angels did not seem like themselves for whatever reason. Matty Ice had trouble hitting his targets and threw a couple picks. The field conditions were detrimental to The Angels usual game plan, resulting in Matty taking numerous sacks or overthrowing his receivers. The ladies also had their fair share of drops and could not move the ball like they usually do. Frodo Swaggins used their height advantage to get down the field. Garrett Beesing made some great throws and drew up some impressive plays. He utilized all his receivers well and their females were able to come in when in the red zone and punch it in.

Grey Hair and Frodo met in the finals. Both teams were flying high and playing lights out football. Rawdog made some nice deep catches and Dave Eickhoff was on. Corey Santo was another great addition, bringing up the teams overall elusiveness rating. Frodo Swaggins finally had their full roster present and it really made a difference. They were able to stay fresh and make plays but GHDC played a smart, solid game and Frodo couldn’t keep up.


The Cunning Stunts and Falconies game was a close one that was a rollercoaster to watch. The CS got a fast start, taking a 24-0 lead. Joe Miano maintained composure and played some excellent football. All the females played great for Falconies which is exactly what you need against a gender team. Andrew Kicak put the pressure on rushing but Joey Battaglia was able to get the ball out quick. I started listing all the CS I saw make great catches but then it turned into just listing everyone so I will simply say the Stunts utilized their receivers perfectly. Every one of them was a threat across the middle and deep and the Falconies could not get a big stop when they needed it. The Falconies were able to chip away at their deficit and send the game into OT with a long ball TD. They started with the ball and made it to their 2 yard line. Emma Patterson took a pitch and threw it up to her receiver. Brandy Clark jumped up and made a huge defensive play, just barely getting a piece of it and pushing it out of reach. On third down, Miano found Mike McKenrick but he dropped the ball. The Stunts just needed to score. After an incomplete pass then a Kicak Sack for a 5 yard loss, it wasn’t looking good for the Stunts. Third down, Renee Lantz went front cone and Batts drew the defenders to her by calling her name. Meanwhile Brandy Clark snuck along the backline and Batts found her wide open to push the Stunts into the finals.

Buffalo Vice and Itches and Ohs was another close one. Itches and Ohs had the lead early but Buffalo Vice was able to battle back by making some adjustments on defense and getting Caitlyn Mason involved in the offense. Amy Denning caught her fair share of deep passes and Dan Gonzalez did what he does best. Laura Streeter added to her YAC stats with several plays through the middle of the field. Itches and Ohs were able to hang on to the lead until the final 2 possessions. Buffalo Vice scored late to take the lead but with just over 1 minute left, they left too much time on the clock. I&O drove down to the 1 and Rylee Moser caught the go ahead TD on 6th down. The conversion was good leaving Buffalo Vice with only one option. They sent up a Hail Mary but it fell short and I&Os came away with the win.

It’s always fun to watch gender teams play another team with solid females and that is exactly what this final gave us. Itches and Ohs took another early lead. The Stunts were able to battle back to tie it up at the 2 minute warning. I&O drove downfield and were able to take the lead with a phenomenal sideline catch by the guy with the beard. Joey Battaglia and Co got the ball back with 45 seconds left but 2 incomplete passes ran down the time and I&O walked away champions. 


Spinellis Plumbing was the odds on favorite for most of the season after dominating D6. Lettuce Win was all but counted out before making a huge stand last week. It could have been the Cinderella story everyone loves to see but it was not. SP at no point looked flustered or even mildly concerned. Nick Hawes threw the ball incredibly well. They honestly did it all. They went deep, they slanted across the middle, they crossed, they wheeled, they hooked. LW had some trouble getting the ball to their receivers. The real tall guy on their team was a monster and should have been utilized more, like every play. I’m not sure how long Connor Stalker has been throwing for in this league but from what I’ve seen of LW’s games, their QBs have not been consistent. If Stalker stays and gets some consistency and basic plays under his belt (including getting his females involved), I think LW could make more waves next season. 

Not So Sticky took on 716 on the next field. 716 was missing some personnel due to scheduling conflicts. NSS, on the other hand, played their most complete game ever. The defense was solid, and offense made no mistakes. Talia Calabro had at least a half dozen contested or tough catches and was the star of the game. #42 on 716 continued to impress with crazy athletic plays. NSS scored late in the second half to go up 21 and locked in the win.

Spinellis was waiting for them in the finals. Both teams' offenses played outstanding, scoring on every possession aside from one pick by Rags. NSS got themselves a mental win by running with them and keeping up with scoring. PS scored a collective 110 points on the day (yes, that was the most and quite possibly a record) so kudos to them. Ryan Rusin had an MVP-worthy performance, coming away with approximately 70% of the target shares in PS’s victory.


Travis Henry’s Kids came out fast and furious against Blitzkrieg. Unfortunately I didn’t see a lot of this game (I was thirsty). But from what I did see, Blitzkrieg had some trouble moving the ball. They looked like they had their full roster back so hopefully next season will be more competitive. THK on the other hand has had a rollercoaster of a session. They went 5-4 and finished in second. They put up some big numbers one week, then couldn’t get any offense going the next. Defense needs work. That said, they made it to the semis and made easy work of it. I didn’t see any big plays that really stood out but they held Blitzkrieg to 8 points which was second least in a high-scoring final day of football.

Taking the prize for least amount of points allowed was TMA in their shutout win over Lenny’s Ladies. Again I was at the bar for most of this game (sorry, watching so many games gets me parched). But I saw enough to get the gist of what was happening. The Ladies couldn’t get anything going on offense. Joe K had a couple misfires and his females had some untimely drops but it basically came down to the fact that they just could not match up against TMA. In all honesty, no one seemed to be able to this session. Jamie Warren had a stellar performance for LL so she definitely deserves a shout out. TMA just their speed and height to get down the field then got their females involved in the endzone. Diana Bernal threw a TD pass from the 5 yard line. LL had no answer for Ron Webber.

In the finals, TMA was rolling. On the field, they looked ready to take on PE. The sidelines had no shortage of hype. Travis Henry’s Kids just could not seem to find a way to match up. TMA had the edge on speed, height and route running. You know who THK really could not shut down, though? Brent F-ing McKenzie. He had 3, yes 3, touchdown catches. And not a “stand on the front line and turn around” TD. One was a deep ball over the shoulder, one was out in front that he went and got, and the other was a John Cena, all alone in the back of the endzone. John Langley threw a couple infelicitous picks which further added to TMA’s hype and they finally came away with their first championship. 

That’s all for this season! It was long, it was wet at the end, but overall the best teams won and it was a great time. Be sure to check back for the Award Nominees and Banquet information come up in the next couple weeks. If you are new to the league or have been here but never go to the banquet, that should change. It’s basically a wedding without anyone having to make a lifetime commitment. I’ll leave you all with my Final Top 5 Notable players for 2021. 

1.     Chris Cole (Public Enemy)- He probably could have been on this list every week but I saved him for the end so he can ride off into the sunset on the top of every list.

2.     Nick Hawes (Spinellis Plumbing)- as I said, PS put up 110 points in 2 games. I remember when they could barely field a team not to mention get a win. Hawes has put this team on his back and their success speaks for the rest. 

3.     Ryan Henry (TMA)- There was talk about whether he was the right pick for QB1 on TMA but Henry put to rest all of that chatter by taking control when it mattered most.

4.     Casey Lawler (A&A, The Angels)- unmatched on speed, Lawler has proven herself to be a top tier female in any division. Matty Ice’s go-to bail out player, she can do it all, from the slant route for 5 yards that she turns into 10-15 to the deep ball with speed that the vast majority of defenders cannot cover.

5.     Topper- I always reserve the last spot for our fearless leader, without whom the league would not be possible. Thank you Topper, for all you do that allows us to spend each Saturday with our football family. 

Until next time, I’ll be watching…

Week 8 Review

Category: The Sentinel
Created: Tuesday, 12 October 2021 19:11
Published: Tuesday, 12 October 2021 19:11
Written by Patrick McGovern
Hits: 2351



Ladies and gentlemen of the TSL, we have officially made it through the regular season. Looking back on the beginning, there have been some surprises along the way as well as players/teams doing exactly what they were supposed to do. It was a whirlwind session and you all did not disappoint making it exciting to observe. Here’s what I saw this week:




Tight Ends in Motion took on Losing Streak in another game with key personnel not in attendance. There was a lot of airing out the ball and letting receivers make a play from both sides. John Caie from Losing Streak made some nice plays on defense but TEs kept doing what they do best and came away with the win. LS lost Ralph Finney during the game to an injury and picked up Alex Baker. Baby Baker showed his dad some moves but experience trumped youth this time. 


Sticky Bandits finished in 5th place following their loss to Slob Kabobs, who jumped up to the 4th seed. Bandit Nation was working with a skeleton crew, missing QB Mike Thomas, Brian Stevenson, and Andrew Kicak. They tried out Adrian Cannon under center and brought in Tony Sanchez to sub. Sanchez had a pick 6 on Seth Molisani on the first play of the game. SB followed with a big stop and proceeded to score, going up by 2 scores early. SK woke up after that though. SN needed a gender score at the end of the game but a Ben Stack pick sealed the deal. 


Sticky Bandits went on to play Public Enemy late in the day. With even more players missing, Cannon’s receiver options were limited to Jeff Krol, Andrew Kicak and Sal Gandolfo. Then Gandolfo got hurt and had to be taken to Urgent Care so Alex Baker came to save the day again. Public Enemy was reeling from their earlier loss to Eyes Downtown and showed no mercy to the poor, unfortunate SBs. Baker did score a deep TD late to prevent the shut out but a rookie QB and missing WRs1-4 is tough to overcome. Laura Streeter had a great game and had a constant positive attitude, which is tough to do when you're down big. 


As I said, Eyes Downtown pulled out the win over Public Enemy to prevent the undefeated season. I didn’t see a lot of  this game but I heard PE was up most of the game. They were missing Heather Cepuchowski which hurt them. Eyes Downtown capitalized and used their females effectively. Emily Belfield had an incredible sideline catch. Chris Cole went 0-3 on deep balls at the end of the game and a TD pass by Belfield tied it up. ED was able to get the conversion so PE had a chance for one last drive but an offsides call on Mike Boccio was followed by an overthrown ball and ED took the win. 



Speaking of ruining an undefeated season, TopShot took away the perfect record for A&A with a 19-16 win. A&A was missing Matty Ice so Travis Cleavenger stepped in. While he seemed to have chemistry with wife, Val Bernal, he struggled to connect with his other receivers. TS took advantage of A&As mistakes and came away with the win. 


The Notorious BNB took a win over XTC, 44-32. BNB had Jeremy Olson to throw and I think I saw Ben Stack in the game but that can’t be right because he’s a D1 player and not on their roster...Anyway, XTC had Anthony Battaglia throwing in the absence of Brandt Dubey and it did not go well. Joey Batts was playing with an injured finger but defense is what killed them. They could not get a stop and BNB just kept coming.



Cobblestone had a tough week against Grey Hair Don’t Care, who seem to be rolling at the end of the season. Daryl Carr could not connect with his receivers at all and GHDC were not fooled by Sam Lattucca throwing. GH is running on all cylinders now and they have talent top-to-bottom. This game was out of hand early and GH even had someone else try throwing a couple while Dave Eickhof ran some routes.  


Frodo Swaggins shut out Show Me Dem TDs in their last game of the season. Derek Pew played a much cleaner game than the last time I watched him. He found Tammy Buczek in the endzone twice. The SMDTDs QB continued to misread the field. He missed a lot of open receivers. The redhead girl made some really great catches but until they can get consistent attendance and a reliable QB, this team is better off dropping back down. 


Last Dance versus The Untouchaballs was one of my favorite games to watch of the day. Lots of back and forth action made this a close one throughout. The Untouchaballs were missing Melanie Linsmair but they had solid female receivers. They were the fortunate recipients of 2 lucky bounces, one of which coming late to make it an 8 point game. Unfortunately the guy who picked it got greedy and ran it in instead of pitching it or stepping out to take time off the clock. Matt Newman and LD got the ball back and marched down the field. A gender TD was needed so Rachel Parker threw a TD pass to Anthony Barnessi to tie it up. It all came down to the conversion when Justin Garbacz caught the game winner.



Buffalo Vice and Breast Friends was a nail biter throughout. Both teams were missing players but those there came to play. BV’s Steve Lozo made some real nice defensive stops and was a great outlet for Seth Molisani to chunk it up the field. Katie Keller subbed for BF and had a great deep TD catch, taking advantage of broken coverage. BV struggled to communicate on D in the first half, but they were able to put it together in the second. Emma Patterson had a big catch late in the game that sealed the win for the ladies. 


Puckett All Stars beat up on Falconies to pull ahead of them in the standings. Mark Ward made some big plays and was definitely WR1 this game. Joe Miano and Co couldn't get their usual offense rolling and I saw a couple big drops. Jason Neth had some nice touches but Falconies are going to need to come up with some more stops to make it through the first round of playoffs.


Itches & Ohs versus Today’s Feast was about what you’d expect. TFs QB had a lot of misreads. On defense, they couldn’t stop the females of I&Os and this game was never actually close. Steve Moser was smiling so you know they had to be up big most of the game. TF did manage to put up 36 points though so props for that and we hope to see you next season. 


Practice Squad and The Titsburg Feelers Replacements game was a shit show. Scott Keller Jr was in at QB while Scotty Dro played WR. A series of misfortunate events on both sides ended with PS being up for most of the game. The Replacements kept it close but not that close. Ashton Fiegel had a great TD catch against Emily Curry. Kenny Lantz and Joe Ferguson ran great routes. Val Bernal had a pick on B. Scott Keller face planted in the mud then benched himself. It was a mess but everyone looked like they were having fun. 



WoodPeckers and Come From Behind was not a very pretty game as each team made their share of mistakes. Paul LoVullo has had a solid season so far but he missed some throws in this one. Joe Buscaglia and LoVullo traded picks in the first half. Buscaglia took a sack on 5-1 which CFB answered with a TD. Jenn Stachura’s route running was just spot on. WPs have solid guys and females and continue to improve every season.


Not So Sticky beat 716 without Ricky Recckio, Mike Thomas or Kyle Messina. Despite missing players Rags, Paul Scinta, Jeff Krol and Karl Smith balled out. The females on both sides played very well. 716’s #42 was a monster of a receiver. He was there to bail out his team when they needed him but NSS hit their stride and came out with the win. 



TMA and Travis Henry’s Kids played each other back to back in some weird scheduling/make-up snafu. Both games were one sided in TMA’s favor. Ryan Henry played very well using all his receivers. John Langley couldn’t get anything going on offense for his team and tried to force the ball. Rich Turner had a pick after he threw into double coverage. I only watched one of the 2 games but I heard the second went just about the same as the first. Both teams got themselves a first round bye in the playoffs though so this weeks games can easily be forgotten by THKs. 


Victorious Secret lost to Blitzkrieg when they also fell victim to the attendance issues plaguing the league this week. Offensively, Jordan Lawson was able to move the ball around but they struggled on defense. Blitzkrieg was able to capitalize on their height and speed advantage and VS had a lot of trouble defending it. Fortunately for VS, they draw another gender team in the first round so they have time to work things out with, hopefully, their full roster.


That is all for the regular season of Fall 2021. If you are on one of the unfortunate teams who did not grasp an elusive playoff spot (Show Me Dem TDs, Super Freaks, Practice Squad, GUCCI, Today’s Feast), be a good sport and come by to support/hang out next week anyway. If nothing else, you can maybe see the team that knocked you out get knocked out themselves and that’s always fun. I’ll leave you with my Top 5 Notables of Week 8:

  1. Zach Jenkins (Not So Sticky)- is the clear “go to” guy for his team whenever they need to make a play on offense. 
  2. Bullet Club- got their first win of the season, leaving Super Freaks as the only Defeated team
  3. Travis Cleavenger- played QB for the aforementioned team in their first win and overcame a tight game against Buffalo Vice to secure a playoff spot for his ladies
  4. Kelly Kane- as far as I know she’s the first full time female QB in our league. This week she subbed for The Angels and made it a true all-female team in a close loss to 4th and Dong
  5. The TSL BOD- the group of people who keeps things going smoothly, especially this week when Topper abandoned us all


Until next time, I’ll be watching...

Playoffs Review

Category: The Sentinel
Created: Tuesday, 26 October 2021 18:14
Published: Tuesday, 26 October 2021 18:14
Written by Patrick McGovern
Hits: 2482


Ladies and gentlemen of the TSL, this is playoff football. There were upsets a-plenty following our first round match ups. Teams we thought were a layup will now be sitting at home next week and teams we thought needn’t have shown up, are still in the hunt. That’s why we play the game. Without further ado, lets see how things went down.


Sticky Bandits were the underdogs of the 4-5 match up against Slob Kabobs. Looking at these teams, I had to give the edge to SK but SB had their full roster and we’ve all seen how dangerous that can be. Both teams started hot on offense, but SKs defense took some time to get going. Seth Molisani fell in love with the deep ball and missed some open receivers 10-15 yards downfield. Mike Thomas, on the other hand, had no problem dumping the ball of to Kevin Zack, who can work the middle better than most anyone else in the game. The game seemed to be close throughout but a big pick by Drew Colosimo turned the tide in favor of Sticky Nation and they carried that momentum to a victory.

Tight Ends in Motion and Losing Streak was one game I was excited about because based on reputation, standings and history, TE had the edge. However, in their 3 match ups against each other this season, LS came out on top twice. There had also been talk about how TE didn’t seem to be meshing as well as usual this year. All the factors were in place for a huge D1 upset. But, alas, it was not meant to be. LS played a solid game on offense and proved they have the raw talent to run in D1. Their defense though couldn’t find a rhythm and Bro Kleckler feasted. Both teams had big, highlight-reel plays from their star players but TEs finally looked like their old selves and are moving on to next week.


A&A and Bullet Club faced off for the 3rd time this season. I don’t think many people had their money on Bullet Club but they did make a game of it. Scott Drosendal threw an early pick 8 to Margo Pagano, certainly not helping his teams’ morale. They rallied and stayed in it though. Dro found Todd Halas in the end zone on several occasions to keep them within a score or two. Despite being a close contest, A&A never looked worried and rightfully so. A huge deep ball TD to Casey Lawler took the wind out of BCs sails and they ran out of time to make a come back.

TopShot took on Passed Our Prime and while I didn’t see many specific plays during this game, I heard a lot of yelling coming from the field. It seemed to be coming mostly from POP so I thought I was going to hear of an early upset. But alas, TS recovered from some early miscues including at least 1 pick by Dylan Jaloza. Nikki Kedron was a force to be reckoned with and Blase DeLuca made yet another great defensive stop.  Passed Our Prime’s James Celotto did what he could for his team but there was no stopping to athletic prowess TS brings to the fields. 

When Dove Cries fell to XTC in a 4-5 match up game. WDC battled back from an early deficit to regain the lead. XTC had Joey Battaglia under center again. Both these teams are evenly matched but XTC was more willing to march and used age-old plays developed years before many of us even began playing. Topper tried to force a few too many passes to his go-to receivers but that usually successful tactic failed. The ladies of XTC continued to impress and may just be what carries this team to the championship.

Scared Hitless barely squeaked by The Notorious BNB. With a final of 16-7 this was a defensive battle, but more so because neither team could get much going on offense. Dylan Day has been impressive thus far and getting through the first round of playoffs is no easy feat. Whatever was the reason for the blasé effort this game, hopefully they can turn it up a notch next week when they take on TopShot.


Grey Hair Don’t Care remains the odds-on favorite for D3 and their win over Cobblestone came as a surprise to no one. CB was missing Sam Lattuca but had a solid replacement and Maddie Norton to fill her shoes. One of the Carrs made an incredible TD catch that was thrown into triple coverage. But on defense they just could not match up with the speed GHDC brings. Despite Mike Rawdin’s multiple drops, GH was able to march down the field and punch it in the endzone at will and Cobblestone could not find an adjustment that worked.

While not technically an upset because The Angels were the higher seed, many people had Last Dance winning this game. The big news coming out here was Ricky Austin was back so season-long sub Matt Newman was benched for the original starter. Now you can question the judgement of bringing in a cold QB who hasn’t played in weeks in favor of the guy that has been winning games for you, but that’s how it happened. Matty Ice was on fire coming off his A&A win and the ladies stepped up big. Emily Curry had a huge game on defense while Taylor Pagano demanded the ball and came through on offense. Ricky Austin had a nice deep pass to Joe Zogaria but then continued to go deep throughout the game. The Angels shut it down early and were able to keep pace with scoring.

The Untouchaballs fell to 4th and Dong in one of the biggest upsets of the day. UT were one win away from finishing first. There season was a roller coaster; beat The Angels, lost to Cobblestone, beat Grey Hair Don’t Care, lost to Last Dance. It seemed like this team was destined to do exactly what was NOT expected of them. They kept to that script for sure. 4th and Dong had a solid start to the season. In Week 3 I said they would be my pick for the championship (if Scott Keller Sr stepped in at QB). But after that they started to fizzle out. A loss to Show Me Dem TDs started their downward trajectory until the last game of the season where they managed a win against The Angels. Maybe it was that momentum they took with them into this game. Jeremy Burr had to contend with Austin Weber rushing, and that pressure did not look like something he was used to.

Frodo Swaggins came up with the win against Freeballers to push them out of the playoff run. Things just seemed to be going the way of Garrett Beesing and company. I saw Ron Weber was subbing for them and he had some solid TD catches. Nick Buczek is always good for a couple as well and he did not disappoint. Beesing also found the end zone with Kristin Daniels, who has a sneaky way of getting open. Freeballers couldn’t get anything going defensively. Based on the hanging heads after this game, it’s safe to say this team had more to give and will be itching to get back at it next season.


The Cunning Stunts knocked out Zack Attack, looking to be in true playoff form. Joey Battaglia knows what works and feels no pressure to change it. He took the yards the ZA defense were giving him and his ladies found a way to get open in the end zone. ZA experienced firsthand the jump from D5 to D4 is not easy but they were able to make some adjustments. They could not find pay dirt in the red zone though and the Stunts move on.

Vaspian fell to The Falconies after a back and forth battle. Joe Miano played lights out for his squad, utilizing his females and reading the field like a seasoned vet. Vaspian had an exceptional season considering they were given 13-1 odds at the beginning. QB Brian Orzechowski lead them in every game he played but they came up short in a tough fought game this week.

I didn’t see too much of the Buffalo Vice versus Puckett All Stars game but I did see some quintessential BV deep balls from Seth Molisani. Dan Gonzalez has battled injury this season but he looked fine to me racing downfield for his specialty play. TJ Ferguson seemed to be having trouble either reading the field or keeping his footing, causing a couple picks that PAS could not recover from. Kenny Parker had himself a day on defense while Amy Denning proved Caitlyn Mason is not the only female with talent on BV.  


In what was the hands down, biggest upset of the day, Lettuce Win took Wasted Potential out of the playoffs with a 27-18 win! Coming into the season at 15-1 odds then going 3-6, this team was all but written off by just about everyone. They haven’t been able to get much of any offense going and their +/- before the playoffs was -73. But anything can happen in the playoffs and it did. Wasted Potential started the game down a player so that did not help their situation. Jay Jaskier had what could only be described as an “off” game. It happens to the best of us but unfortunately for WP it happened in the playoffs.  

The most surprising part of the Spinellis Plumbing versus TOX game was that it was as close as it was. Topper was in as play caller for TOX but even he could not inspire his team to a victory. SP is solid from top to bottom. They ran through D6 last year and have done the same in D5 this year. TOX was able to make a game of it at least, but I don’t see any team stopping them.

Not So Sticky beating Come From Behind was also one of the major upsets on the day. Neither team was given great odds to start, but Come From Behind had been putting up some big numbers. Included in that is their 36-6 and 40-6 victories over NSS during the season. But like I said before, anything can happen in the playoffs. NSS played flawlessly on both sides of the ball. Rags was finding his receivers and utilizing them all to their strengths. They take on 716 next week and hopefully can hold on to some of this momentum.


Lennys Ladies move on with a win over Victorious Secret. This was another back-and-forth showdown. The ladies on both teams wowed the audience with just how good the women in this league are. The entire game was a spectacular display of speed and hands. Joe K proved he still has it after missing some games due to injury. Jordan Lawson had no trouble finding his girls in the endzone, but they struggled to get stops when they needed them on defense.

Graves Bros, as the saying goes, picked a bad day to have a bad day. Not that their season has been all that great this year. They just didn’t look like they had any motivation left in them. Blitzkrieg on the other hand, seems to be gaining momentum as the weather gets colder. Starting with their win against TMA during the season, Blitzkrieg has looked like they are on a collision course to the championship. They take on Travis Henry Kids next week so I hope it doesn’t come down to who is able to get more people to show up but with these teams, that is the usual story.

That’s all for our first round of playoffs. Next week is it for the Fall 2021 season. Can’t wait to see who will enter the ranks of Co-ed Football Immortality. I will leave you with my Top 5 Notables:

1.      Drew Colosimo (Sticky Bandits, When Dove Cries)- always makes incredible plays but had a pick for SB that turned the tide of the game

2.      Katie Keller (XTC, 4th and Dong)- came through big for both her teams to move them onto the next round.

3.      Jeremy Streit (Itches & Ohs)- crisp route running and solid hands makes for at least one big catch a game, also heard he can hang at the bar

4.      Ellory Roberts (Not So Sticky, Falconies)- her teammates talked about how well she played against Come From Behind so while I didn’t see anything I could report on, I wanted to give credit where it was due

5.      TOX- went 0-8 on the season, not including a forfeit win, but they never got mad and always stayed for drinks afterwards

Until next time, I’ll be watching…

Week 7 Review

Category: The Sentinel
Created: Tuesday, 05 October 2021 16:32
Published: Tuesday, 05 October 2021 16:32
Written by Patrick McGovern
Hits: 2407


Ladies and gentlemen of the TSL Universe, week 7 has come and gone, which means there is but 1 week remaining in the regular season. As some teams are looking ahead to playoffs, others are sweating out where they will finish, and if it’s enough to get one of those coveted spots. Let’s take a look and see if anyone is starting now to build that playoff momentum.



Lots of drama over in D1 this week with a close contest between Public Enemy and Losing Streak to start our day. Ironically, LS was the one missing more players. Keyon Elias played a big role in this game, getting just as many looks as Chris Nelson and Ralph Finney. LS’s 2 female subs both played really well. Both teams traded picks throughout the game which kept it close and Greg Oiska had some big defensive breakups to keep his team ahead. PE only won by a score which could be the confidence boost LS needed to make a push in the coming weeks. 


Slob Kabobs no-showed against Sticky Bandits, which is dumb but moved SB up a spot in the standings. 


Eyes Downtown and Tight Ends in Motion had a high flying game with neither QB afraid to try out the deep ball. Eric Delecki seemed to be in better form than a couple weeks ago and TEIM’s defense fell apart on numerous occasions. Nick Angelo had a solid game on both sides of the ball for his team and the ED females played exceptionally well. 


ED went on to play Slob Kabobs, who did decide to show up for this game. Another close one that came down to the wire, these two teams match up well against each other with both having a nice combination of speed and height. I do have to give the female edge to ED and Bobby McConnell took full advantage. 


I didn’t see much of the TEIM versus LS game but I heard quite the commotion after the fact. I heard a bunch of different sides of the story but I’m only mentioning the game to say that we need to have more respect for our officials. You have probably all heard by now how much trouble we are having finding refs and shenanigans like this are part of the reason why. All refs are going to miss a call here and there at some point. Whether you are 100% sure it was a penalty or not, they can’t call it if they didn’t see it and if they missed it, that sucks but move on. No ones perfect. F bombing the refs is not only just rude, but if we don’t have refs we don’t have a league so get it together, we’re all adults here. TEIM hasn’t seemed to have their full squad all season and right now it looks like they are just trying to keep their heads above water. 



TopShot took on Notorious BNB with 2 sub QBs. TopShot had Matt Newman filling in while BNB had Travis Cleavenger. Newman figured out the human cheat code- Sean Weisandel- and used him early and often. When they needed a play, it was the Weisandel Show. Defensively, his closing speed is phenomenal and I’m saying it now, I don’t know how D2 MVP goes to anyone else, especially if they win it all. Cleavenger tried to utilize the BNB females, but TS defense was locked on them. A lot of misreads and drops on the BNB side of the ball made what could have been a close game, a blow out. Drama ensued at the half when Steph Czaja caught the ball only to have Blase DeLuca wrestle it away in the closing seconds. BNB dropped a touchdown and wasn’t left with enough time for a second shot at it. 


The rematch between A&A and Bullet Club was more along the lines of what we expected last week. Jeff Easton subbed for BC but could not get anything going. A&A looked to be on cruise control but maybe that’s BC plan? Lull them into a false sense of security then pounce when it counts in 2 weeks? I like the long game you’re running, BC.


Scared Hitless had Dylan Day back at QB and they looked solid as ever against Passed Our Prime. SH had the female advantage but the ladies of POP have some solid hands themselves. Cat Peters made a late debut in the season but she is making up for lost time and Jamie Warren has been playing lights out since the Female Power Rankings came out. POP was, of course, missing personnel but they could be a very underrated 7th seed come playoff time. 


When Dove Cries need to talk to the Master Scheduler and put in a request to NEVER play at 3 again. They got smoked by XTC and I don’t think it was just because Topper and Aaron Balcerzak spent the majority of the morning/afternoon at the bar. They couldn’t get anything going on defense. XTC played flawlessly on both sides of the ball. Brandt Dubey and Mike Rogowski connected like they have been playing together for 25 years, Eric Flynn seemed like he was always open and the females were solid as per usual. 



Last Dance took it to Frodo Swaggins as they finally seem to be connecting at the right time. Matt Newman was in again and looks to be the one leading them to the promised land. Juquan Stevenson is definitely one of the most underrated receivers in the league, quietly making huge plays on defense and offense. Rachel Parker had a huge sack at a point that added insult to injury. Derek Pew took over for the injured Garrett Beesing. The jump in speed of defenders in D3 compared to D5 was overtly apparent. Pew had a couple nice completions and his receivers bailed him out on a couple others, but LD had the edge pretty much all over. 


Frodo Swaggins went on to play Cobblestone and fared much better. Nick Buzcek and Jake Creeley played outstanding defense. Darryl Carr tried to let his receivers go fight for it but it was either knocked away or picked. Blake Fisher had some nice catches for him though but it wasn’t enough.


Cobblestone and The Angels was a fun game to watch, with both teams utilizing the deep ball. If you asked me last year what The Angels achilles heel was, I would have said that was it, but lately they seem to have found a way to defend it despite the usual height disadvantage. Andrew Alessi and Chris Carr were Darryl’s outlets when he needed them and Sam Lattuca had some phenomenal throws to get CB gender TDs, even from just past midfield. The Angel’s Casey Lawler ran a great go route that no one on CB had the speed to match and the ladies came away with the win and moved into 2nd place in the division. 



Cunning Stunts and Breast Friends had a barn burner of a game that looked all but over for BF after the first half. Travis Cleavenger took awhile to get going with several misreads and Joey Battaglia looked like he was running away with it. By the second half, BF were getting in more of a rhythm and CS could not make their conversions. A late safety by Hollie Speroni changed the momentum of the game in the final minutes and BF were able to mount a comeback. BF got the ball and drove down the field where Maddie Norton caught the game winner off a tipped ball by Cheryl Julicher.


The Cunning Stunts went on to play the Titsburgh Feelers Fill-ins. This week Joe K and Jeff Krol were in charge. Joey Batts was nearly flawless this game despite some drops from his ladies. The consummate gender QB though, he kept going right back to them and CS marched as a result. Emily Schilling had a couple nice deep TDs. The Fill-ins had Mike Boccio back in at QB. He had a couple misthrows that he would probably like redos on but overall played fairly decent. James T Hearn does what he does best and got open. He had a couple TDs but The Fill ins had no chance of matching the pace of the Stunts. 


Breast Friends took on 1st Place Vaspian for the second time and once again could not overcome what is quickly becoming their nemesis. BFs may have been in a lull after their big win earlier in the day as they weren’t playing with the same intensity as usual. Amber Hayes had a huge pick in the closing seconds of the first half that they were able to capitalize on with a Hail Mary to Kelly Sabo. Despite being down big at the half, Vaspian rallied back and only allowed 1 TD in the second. They used their height advantage to get them close and BF were not able to make the stops they needed in the red zone. 


Puckett All Stars is making their usual end-of-season push with a win over Today’s Feast. TJ Ferguson is connecting with his receivers and Joe Schwab made a bunch of great defensive plays. The guy on TF with the beard had a nice catch at the opponents 40 that he ran in for a TD. Now that these guys have almost a season under their belt, I’m interested in seeing how they adjust next year. They still don’t utilize their females enough and if it’s a trust issue, now is the time to get those reps in. PAS is looking to be in typical playoff form and I will be watching to see if their momentum  holds up. 


Itches and Ohs took a 33-34 loss to Zack Attack, causing even more shifts in the standings in this division. I&Os relies on their offense to get them wins, averaging almost 40 points a game. This week they struggled to find the endzone and ZA capitalized on their mismatches. Zack Elphick didn’t have his greatest game, and the game-winning 2 point conversion actually came after Jay Elphick’s wife threw him a gender TD to make it 33-32. 



Wasted Potential made it a game against Spinellis Plumbing as everyone knew they could. Both sides came to play and this game gave me hope that PS won’t have another walk in the park come playoffs. The females on both sides came through big and it came down to WP needing a gender TD at the end. Peyton Spinelli made a huge pass break up on the would-have-been game winner and WP was not able to punch it in.


Spinellis then went on to play TOX who look like they may go defeated on the season. No one had any high expectations for this game and it played out as expected. Topper filled in at QB and actually made a game of it, putting up more than twice what they usually score in a game but not making stops on defense isn’t going to get you any wins. 


Come From Behind dominated Not So Sticky for the second week in a row. NSS is sitting in 6th place with the 4th worst offense in the league. Rags threw a pick in the first half and could not get anything going. Their females had some drops and Ricky Recckio threw a pick in the second. CFB was playing perfect football and Paul LoVullo looked like he'd been playing for 20+ years....



Travis Henry’s Kids versus Graves Bros was another fun game to watch. It was a back and forth shootout with John Langley and Steve Miller not hesitating to go deep and let their receivers make a play. It looked like momentum was swinging away from THK when a female pitched the ball behind the line of scrimmage on 5-1 which resulted in a turnover on downs deep in their zone. GB were only able to get a male TD but they did manage to get the 2 point conversion. Langley threw a pick on the first down of the next series but they regained their composure and were able to come away with the win. 


Travis Henry’s Kids went on to play Lenny’s Ladies featuring Topper later in the day. It was a close match up with all the ladies playing really well on both teams. THK took advantage of Topper on defense and that made the difference in this game.


Lenny’s Ladies took on Victorious Secret later in the day with Jeremy Olson at the helm. I’m guessing it was his first time throwing for a gender team and he did really well. They ran some really nice plays to draw the defenders up then Hogan went deep to Steph Czaja for a TD. Victorious Secret couldn’t keep up with LL and that was without Caitlin Mason breaking ankles. LL is a tough team to gauge as we never know who will be throwing with Joe K still on IR. As our next game will show, this division is anyone’s for the taking. 


TMA is in end-of-season form with a loss to last place Blitzkrieg. Maybe they are just trying to shut up the haters saying they should have moved up? I doubt it. It was “just one of those days” for TMA and it was “3rd times the charm” for Blitzkrieg. Johnny Dio was in at QB and the early season chemistry went a little stale as the weeks went on unused. I doubt anyone on TMA is panicking but it’s definitely an ego boost for Blitzkrieg this late in the season. 


That’s all for this week. We enter our last week of the regular season where a lot of divisions will have a playoff preview with seeding matches. Now is the time to make a name for yourself as these are the weeks the Awards Committee will remember the most when it comes time to vote for MVPs. I’ll leave you with my Top 5 Notables for Week 7.

  1. Jay Jaskier- had 2 solid game throwing for Wasted Potential and a handful of picks thrown in for them and A&A.
  2. Katie Swanson- could not be stopped in her Lenny’s Ladies game against Victorious Secret
  3. Brandt Dubey- played lights out for XTC propelling his team up the standings
  4. Emily Belfield- had an incredible corner of the end zone catch for Cunning Stunts and played a huge role in Eyes Downtown’s wins
  5. Falconies- are quietly sitting in 4th place in their super competitive division but more importantly their bar presence after the games is impressive. 


Until next time, I’ll be watching….


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